Mayura Evans
The Summoner On Azure Wings
Name - Mayura Clair Evans
Age - 26
Height - 6'0
Birthday - March 24
Class - Summoner/Pegasus Knight
Affiliation - Askr
Weapon - Bow (Blue)
Mayura is a girl with messy, shoulder-length brunette hair and blue eyes.
When working and performing her job as summoner out in the field, she wears the usual formal top, pants, and coat that makes up the typical summoner uniform. When simply working casually around the castle, or just walking around and hanging out, she wears a plain t-shirt with comfy pants or shorts. She continues to still wear the coat, saying she finds it warm and comfortable to wear.
When in battle, Mayura dons her blue summoners coat and uniform, but completes it with an archer's chest guard.
Regardless of the situation, mayura is always seen wearing a scarf that matches the blue of her summoners coat. pinned to it is a pin in the likeness of a pink flower, and a pin in the shape of a bird. she completes her accessories with a silver bracelet.
Mayura is a cheerful, upbeat girl who is always willing to trust others. Trust and honesty are incredibly important to her, and an intentional hurtful lie or broken promise is a quick way to get you on her bad side. Despite being the smallest, and perhaps most childish, summoner, her values on family cause her to be quite a sister-figure to those who gain her trust, often seeming stubborn or bossy in a big sisterly sort of way to those she works with who are younger than her. In the reverse, if she’s the younger one in a partnership, she’ll take the advice of her seniors to heart, and enjoys the feeling of trust and friendliness that comes with the territory.
As a tactician, she’s quite diligent. She was never a tactician in her own world, but as the daughter to a military veteran in her world, she takes her work seriously. She studies and plans and does her best to improve.
She did keep several pieces of technology from her home realm: her mp3 player, which she frequently has earbuds in as she listens to music; her tablet, with which she has several E-Books and anime movies on, and which she uses to rough draft her many tactical plans; and her laptop, with which she keeps a personal journal and reports of her work. She also has several of her gaming systems, brought over through various maintenances.
Mayura also has an aversion to mirrors, particularly large body mirrors, due to Loptyr using them as a way to be seen/heard outside of Mayura's mind, and thus, she tends to avoid them, even after she's rid herself of him. She also has a great love for holidays, especially harvest and winter holidays due to the cheerful music, twinkling lights, and soft, glittering snow. She enjoys the smells of baking sweets, hot cocoa, and laughing with friends as they exchange gifts and banter.
Mayura comes from a modern world not unlike our own. The daughter to an army veteran and a stay-at-home mom, mayura had many happy childhood memories. Her father was often overseas, and it was up to her mom to care for the younger mayura and her older brother. Growing up, mayura was often overshadowed by her more popular and talented brother, but held no grudge, and still loved him and her parents.
When in high school, and her brother in his finishing stretch at college, mayura’s parents divorced. Mayura went with her mother, moving to another state closer to her mother’s family, but was still sent between her parents for some time. For mayura, it was a constant feeling of being stuck in the middle. Her only joy is that in the divorce, mayura and her mother grew closer. Mayura’s parents both remarried, and mayura moved again to live with her stepfather, who she liked.
Mayura finally had some stability. She got a job working as a waitress, living with her parents, and enjoyed her hobbies of singing, gaming, and reading.
But she felt like something was missing… she never seemed to stand out, no matter how hard she tried. She was passed over for somebody else, forgotten…
One night, she came home from work and, tired, fell straight to sleep.
In her dreams appeared a man with pale skin and dark hair and eyes. He introduced himself as loptyr, a guardian deity of another realm. Mayura, believing it to be a dream, listened as loptyr told her that he was ousted from his realm by an enemy of his and; separated from what bound him to his realm, did not have the strength to make it back on his own to fight that enemy and reclaim his position. He asked mayura for her to be his vessel, and he would reward her in return. Once again believing it be a dream, mayura fell for loptyr’s deceptive charms and agreed to his offer, realizing too late the horrid mistake she’d made.
Mayura would awaken in askr, greeted by anna and offered her position in the order of heroes. The kind-hearted young woman, still yet unaware of loptyr’s true nature, agreed to help the desperate commander and took up the mantle of a summoner.
Months would pass and mayura studied and worked hard. She had a cause she was a part of now, one in which she made a difference. Askr was a place where she had many wonderful friends and while she did miss her family, she dulled the sting by knowing they’d be proud of her work.
It wasn’t for some months until loptyr reappeared. Now revealing his true nature as jugdral’s destructive dark dragon, he intended to use mayura and her position in the order to return to his home realm and rise back to power, as he’d done before. Mayura was scared at first, believing her fight against loptyr to be a lost cause, but she has since strengthened her resolve, and intends to fight against him as best she can. She doesn’t shout around the information of her being loptyr’s vessel, but she refuses to hide the secret any longer, and comes forward with honesty when approached, assuring the questioner of her resolve. Her own troubles with loptyr makes her feel a kinship towards the estranged prince bruno/zacharias, despite their sparse meetings.In her second year in Askr, Loptyr would wrest total control of mayura's body, and leave the castle in the dark of night. He would hide in the remote Askran countryside, suppressing and breaking mayura's spirit and reforming his cult, intent on conquering all of Askr.
Time would pass, with the friends mayura had made unsure of her whereabouts, until rumors began to spread of a religion spreading from the countryside, led by the “Dragon Overlord”. Investigations would ensue, and it was discovered that the dragon overlord was none other than a loptyr-possessed mayura.
After finding her location, a group would journey there consisting of summoners and heroes mayura had made friends with, a journey ending in a battle between the two groups. In a desperate ploy for victory, loptyr would pull a knife, threatening the life of mayura if they didn't drop their weapons.
In response, the group played their ace card - one of mayura's heroes in the group, a swordsman by the name of alte. In a decisive moment, he would activate an ability that was mostly kept hidden, an ability known as Zero Field. Stopping time for a split second, the swordsman would disarm the dragon, ending his trick. Mayura would be brought back to the group's camp, where a ritual would be cast to separate loptyr from her, and seal his spirit within an unattuned dragonstone. Currently, it lies in the deepest vaults of Askr castle, behind a multitude of difficult locks and barriers, both physical and enchanted.
After being freed, mayura would fall into a deep sleep, but, when after 3 days she didn't wake up, fellow summoner Devon began to suspect a deeper problem. Using his powers as a mind mage, he would enter mayuras mindscape. Inside, he would find a replica of Askr castle, complete with inhabitants. Mayura’s inner self within her mindscape was one who was bubbly and eager to be a helpful queen, contrary to the still cheerful, but more mature-acting young woman they all knew.
But the other difference was the more terrifying:
The inhabitants didn’t have faces of their own, all replaced with stitched-on cloth-looking smiling masks.
Within the dungeons of the mindscape askr, devon would find yet another mayura, one more withered and weak. Mayura’s true mindscape self. With encouragement, this mayura would fight the shadow mayura, created from a lingering will of loptyr left behind. with mayura coming out victorious, the dragon would congratulate mayura on “taming the dragon” before vanishing, leaving mayura to safely wake.In her third year in askr, mayura currently helps command her heroes in the war against hel, married to alfonse and coming to terms with one day being queen of askr.[ FEH X DRAGALIA LOST EVENT: LOST HEROES ]
in askr's alliance with the halidom of new alberia, mayura has also come to terms with her shadow-alignment, and was even granted a shared dragonpact with the great shadowwyrm, zodiark, by euden.
- She has an undying love for music, even being a collector of ocarinas, and was a casual part of the rhythm game and idol crowd back on Earth. She's summoned every hero from the Fortuna Agency currently available... but really wants Touma the most.
- Mayura loves sweets, particularly chocolate. In terms of “real” food, though, she likes warm, saucy, savory foods such as pasta. Being from what we consider the southern states, however, she also has a soft spot for pot pies and fried chicken.
- She’s a competent archeress, and has even learned to ride pegasi from princess caeda after learning about kinshi knights. She cares for a pegasus of her own, which she has named Ce'nedra after a character from her favorite book series.
- She ADORES roses!
- Her favorite colors are blue and pink
- She and Alfonse take care of a pet cat. Mayura has named him Lucky, due to his calico breed and the superstition of calicos bringing good luck.- In her locked desk drawer is a leather-bound manuscript, tied with a magenta ribbon. If you ask her what's in it, she won't answer.
- Skillset -
Movement: Flying
Weapon - Arian ; (Bow, Blue)
(When next to ally support unit, Def +4 )
Support Skill -
Special - Draconic Aura
Seal -
Ally Support - Alfonse, Prince of Askr.
Her weapon of choice is a bow made for her by her friends, Yulas and Zenos. It in part uses the power of magic runes connected to the elements of light, earth, and wind. She’s named it “Arian; the bow of runes.”
Explanation of Arian’s abilities -
A bow focused on a sniper’s finesse and patience, it’s meant for mayura to charge and aid her friends and the heroes under her command from the back line, but does create a small wave/barrier of energy if she attacked up close while she’s charging, but it only protects against physical hits, not magic, and will not protect her fully, especially against harder hits.
It functions as a regular bow if fired quickly, however the string doesn't pull back to it's full ability without time and a strong stance. Regardless, it can still be charged up.
- At the first level of charge, the arrow will explode in light when it hits it’s target
- At the second level, it becomes two arrows that explode on impact.
- Third level, it separates into three and explodes.
- At the final level, which takes a full minute of charge, it shatters the arrow into a huge volley on the enemy, about 10 smaller arrows that explode in light.
When fired into the air, regardless of charge, the arrow shatters and actually becomes a downpour of arrows, as there is a runestone instead of the typical arrowhead that activates with the wind element. When it reaches a certain speed or height, it explodes into multiple arrows.
The bow itself is infused with the earth element, which keeps it steady when fired, as there is recoil at higher charges. When fired at full charge with less-than-ideal stance, it could easily knock mayura back to the ground.- Embedded in the guard is a black gemstone. this is known as an ability gem, gotten from the "Realm of Gathering", or the continent of Iltor, thanks to reiji and a trio of mayura's heroes from that world. this gems gives her an ability known as "shadowshift", allowing her to camouflage into shadows. she can still be heard and touched, and the camouflage will end if the shadow is dissipated through any various means, such as casting a light.her secondary weapon is a blade made in the image of her mentor eliya's own sword. the abilities differ however. while functional as a normal sword, the crystal embedded in the hilt can swap between 7 different "shades", inspired by friends and allies mayura met or come to know of through eliya.
- Paralyzing shade (Ethan)
- Cursed shade (Princess Mirette)
- Blazing shade (Zenos)
- Scorching shade (Haurne)
- Shade of mist (Yulas)
- Poison shade (Angela)
- Freezing shade (Alden)
-Supports -
[S-SUPPORT] - Alfonse ( @Prince0fAskr ) -
One and all are falling deeply for this world, enchanted by its light.
Could it be thanks to that distant melody?
For all of humanity, we will take the stage as one,
And somehow manifest a roaring symphony!Mayura’s husband and prince of askr. He was the first to know of mayura’s possession and, much like zacharias, wanted to free her from her own chains. They work together well, but always find time to simply sit and enjoy each other’s company; and though mayura worried over hurting him, she’s grateful for his support, for askr, the order, and her, and dreams of spending her future with her prince charming when the askr-embla war is over. On her ring finger is a gold-banded wedding ring with an aquamarine gemstone, her birthstone.Kylie ( @AskrHime ) -
What would a mother not do for her child, what lengths would a mother not go?
There's a bond that exists between mother and child, with no end to how strong it can grow...
it's a promise for life between mother and child, it begins from the moment of birth.
and you're shaken to your soul with an ache you've never known
and you look into their eyes, and find you're looking in your own...The time-traveling future foster daughter of mayura and alfonse. She travelled back to prevent the future of her father's murder at the hands of a possessed bruno. Despite her unusual circumstances, Mayura's familial nature has already warmed her up to the young lady, and she does her best to treat her well. in kylie's possession is the future version of mayura's bow, as well as a pink-flower hairclip passed down to mayura from her close friend eliya.Reiji ( @Vermillionjoker) -
i don't have the answers, tomorrow's still unknown
but i can make this promise:
you won't be alone
i don't know where we should go, just feeling farther from our goal
i don't know what path we will be shown...
but i know that when i'm with you, i'm at home...!A close friend and partner of mayura’s; one of her 2 future retainers and someone who she can greatly rely on. He was one of the first people to know mayura’s secret, and she looks to him like a brother. She finds it tragic he doesn’t take stock in holidays, and intends to make the wintertime holidays memorable for him, now that he was people he can spend them with. Like him, she feels partly responsible for emerald’s death, feeling if she’d been stronger reiji would never have been tricked into wielding the loptyr sword, but she understands true blame lies with neither of them, and they both are attempting to move on together. She finds his dedication as the “masked hero” admirable, but believes he sells himself short, and should simply use his own strength to fight, instead of relying on the ray system that he designed. Inspired by this, she made him a special gift, a red scarf inspired by the song “Ayano’s theory of happiness”.
at mayura's suggestion to curb the mistrust and harassment of summoners amongst the nobility and knighthood after king gustav's death at the hands of hel, reiji now leads a knight squad, with mayura's full trust and support, and if he needs her help, she's a message away.Kyou ( @auraconnect ) -
Hey, look up to the sky and sing this melody with me just for a moment, just for a moment.
If you could smile once again and open up your heart, because it’d mean the world to me
And I want to thank you for always staying with me ‘til the endA summoner friend of mayura’s, the second of her 2 future retainers, and the one mayura considers the “spiritual expert” of the group, due to her ESP abilities and knowledge on the ethereal realm. Mayura is a tad protective of kyou, thinking of her as a sister, and at first tried to act as a mentor when applicable. However, this was recently overshadowed by her desire to see the star-crossed romance between kyou and reiji come to fruition, and mayura’s time was mostly spent plotting how she could get them together. With this dream now a reality, mayura is back and forth on teasing the lovebirds, but she’s incredibly happy for them, and intends to still be there to help them whenever they need her. she sees a lot of potential in kyou as a mage, and has set her up with magic lessons with cassandra of alberia.The latest summoner come to askr, and mayura's (currently self-declared) student! mayura sees how she used to be in ney's own shyness and insecurities, hence her desire to take the summoner under her wing. she absolutely wants to do her best and wants to teach ney everything she can, but mayura does have one secret that gives her worries...Miho ( @RisqueLead) -
Lights on me! Music screams!
There is no way that we’ll lose, we’ll lose!
I’ll stay with you, I’ll protect you.
I trust that you know what we need to do.
Hit the stage, Fill your gauge
There is no way that we’ll lose, we’ll lose!
Feel the tension, Pay attention!
Just trust your instincts!
Take him down with me, baby!
ooooh !A rather perky and fashionable summoner who mayura gets along well with. she and mayura love to gossip, and miho always seems to have all the dirty details on everything going on! she treats mayura like normal, and mayura finds it refreshing when compared with the monotonous formalities of royal life. mayura's gifted the spunky girl a dagger made from alberian materials collected from the agito, crafted by the halidom's 3 blacksmith sisters.Emerald ( @AskrsJewel ) -
When they all see her come around, you know there's something here to be found.
A lush beauty, like a diamond ring of the highest rarity.
And even more beautiful inside, reach way down deep and I'm sure you'll find,
That she can bring that little something, called Generosity.Another partner of mayura’s, and her friendly rival. She’s always aiming to keep on top of emerald in tempest trials and despite her many losses in their little races, she gets back raring to go the next time around. When mayura was stressed over loptyr’s taunts and tricks, emerald was there with a taunt herself, aimed towards the dragon. She’d earned his ire, but emerald’s determined yet carefree attitude is infectious to the brunette summoner.
When emerald was killed due to loptyr’s various plots, mayura did her best to honor emerald’s memory by continuing to fight for her freedom from loptyr, and doing her best in her work every day. Mayura had even made a small memorial to the daring summoner and kind friend she considered a sister.
Now that emerald has returned, mayura couldn’t even happier. But she does feel bad that emerald’s revival came at the cost of her summoning luck...
with mayura considering emerald as good as a sister, she has a habit of thinking herself a doting aunt to emerald's newborn daughter, vivian.Kiran ( @ISummonThee ) -
there will come a soldier, who carries a mighty sword.
he will tear your city down, oh lei, oh lai, oh lord.
there will come a poet, whose weapon is his word.
he will slay you with his tongue, oh lei, oh lai, oh lord.
there will come a ruler, whose brow is laid in thorn.
smeared with oil like david's boy oh lei oh lai oh lord.Emerald's partner and the most mysterious of the summoner family, specifically looks-wise. all those hoods.... it's like kakashi from naruto! will anyone ever unmask them? kiran and mayura are also rivals for alfonse's affection, a game which mayura has clearly won.
she respects their build dedication to their favorites.
even if those favorites are bad taste. she's looking at you, oliver.Karym ( @LivelySummoner ) -
There’s no book or lessons teaching us about what’s common sense or just insanity...
But if you take a sec to see the spring of life that’s blooming, your whole world may change so breathe it in!one of the newer summoners, and emil's girlfriend! mayura is always eager to help and get to know her, especially with the little bundle on the way! ( mayura hopes she can babysit! )Emil ( @DeusTheatrum ) -
Turn the light on, and let it in.
Won't you turn the light on?
Turn the light on.
You'll never win lest you turn the light on.
Falling too far for the fear to embrace me, a voice from the past echoes loud like a drum.
Now open my eyes one more time, one more time!karym's boyfriend and obviously, the father of her kid. they get along well, talking about general work and heroes, all the way to their mutual MMO love - FF14! ( even though mayura hasn't started 5.4 MSQ yet... )
she's excited to continue to get to know him!Gerald ( @ChillSummoner ) -
If you need a hand to hold, then stay the night.
On the darkest of my days you saved my life.
Far beyond the razor-edge of your blade, there lies a prayer that will surpass -
A dream I know will last throughout time.
Your brave shine!One of the later summoners who came after mayura, reiji, emerald, and kyou, now a veternan. he was originally mayura’s least favorite due to his short jokes. Despite this, she doesn’t hate him, and now considers him a friend. Not wanting him to have a bad first impression, she kept loptyr’s existence a secret for some time. When the knowledge came out after an argument, they set their differences aside and are moving forward as friends. With his cool and level-headed nature, she trusts him as someone to help keep the group grounded in reality, and is impressed by his versatile swordplay and quick thinking.Adri ( @CrimsonSummons ) -
Feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, she sweeps them all away
Able, graceful, and she always keeps her promises
noble, faithful, she is as pure as the driven snow
With a dear heart, so sweetAnother summoner and close friend of mayura’s. Mature one second, and fun-loving the next, mayura respects adri for her theorycrafting and tactical ability and, mindful of her occasional advice, consider's her a great friend and advisor on her road to queenhood, and yet another friend she looks to as family.Hanada ( @VioletRitual ) -
But wait! Though it might all seem like it’s just waste of time, keep in mind-
You’ve got a shot at making something out of nothing, getting stronger through the darkest times!
Listen close, ‘cause here is why...!A friendly summoner with skill and knowledge in spiritual matters. Unlike Kyou, whose talents lie in aura reading and ESP, Hanada's skill lies in the conjuring of spirits and purification rituals. Mayura finds hanada to be a strong-willed and loyal person and is glad to have him as a friend; and is always eager to learn more of Japanese culture.Shosa ( @SaiyanSummoning ) -
There is more to you than what there eyes can see.
You've come this far so who's to say that you are weak?
You'll beat the odds through thick and thin.
Stand up tall, 'cause this is where your dream begins!A summoner who's quiet demeanor hides a burning flame of passion and loyalty, and is also aji's best friend. Mayura is ever proud of his efforts and always eager to lend encouragement.Eliya/Elijah ( @St0ryH3ro ) -
Long ago, when our eyes used to shine,
And I was yours, and you were mine
Once you told me why the sun sets red,
I know that I'll never forget...A mature, intelligent, and kind woman with a very high talent for magic, and one more mayura considers a mentor and very close friend. Throughout mayura's time in askr eliya’s magic had played a great role in helping mayura keep loptyr in check. eliya has left askr, but mayura keeps a pin in the shape of a magenta flower, given to her by her dear friend, which stays pinned to the folds of her scarf.Sigrun ( @MeierSigrun ) -
Thank you for the things you've done for me today!
Thank you for tomorrow, every day!
Although that’s really all that I have to say, I just have to tell you some way…!One of Mayura's advisers and a close friend. despite him stepping down in rank, his experience and knowledge is invaluable to her, but more valuable is his companionship. she can't put into words how much he means to her, but she does her best to make sure he knows.Zalmara ( @SVengenance ) -
"You may say I'm a fool, feeling the way that I do......
you can call me Pollyanna, say I'm crazy as a loon!
I believe in silver linings,
and that's why I believe in you!"Sigrun's brother, and Mayura's adviser before his untimely death. brought back through the events of helheim, he's formed a new life in the dragonblood realm's kingdom of alberia, and he and mayura have slowly reconciled the differences between them and mayura's guilt over his death.
Euden ( @Pactbinding ) -
“Hey! You’re singing! Can I tag along? As one, together we can stand strong!”
So we traveled an untraveled road, marching to the beat of our song!the prince of alberia and ruler of the halidom, an ally to askr after an incident with the realm-crossing abilities of askr and embla. she's curious on askr's apparent previous contact with alberia some centuries prior, and her current theory is that the askran the alberians had supposedly met was perhap lif, the first king and founder of askr. mayura appreciates his sensible nature yet happy-go-lucky attitude, and their close age and sudden thrust into positions of leaderships helps her relate to the dragonblood prince as an ally and friend, and she values any and all advice he can give.
as a token of goodwill with the alliance between askr and alberia, he has allowed her to share a dragonpact with the shadowwyrm zodiark, who she gets along famously with.Leonidas ( @RapacianBlaze ) -
Soft is the breeze that can set a petal free.
and yet, 'tis the storm that doth see the petal soar
High o'er trees in the throes of liberty,
'Til unstirring skies consign her to memory.
One kingdom's fall, is another kingdom's freedom.
One sovereign's war, is another sovereign's peace.
One mother's pride, is another mother's sorrow.
Their tears both soak the land that they love.the oldest of mayura's "pactsiblings". stern and uncomprimising, yet not unreasonable. upon taking (temporary) charge of the halidom while euden takes his expedition north, he came to askr to speak with her on regular issues, and meet the woman euden called a sister and shared one of his pacts with.
most of his information was... exagerated. while he considers mayura a woman of charisma and admits her potential, especially considering all she's learned on her own on short notice, he'd never admit it. mayura accepts this, though, and does greatly respect leonidas.Chelle ( @PRINXSS / @Perpawsterous ) -
Here comes a wave meant to wash me away, a tide that is taking me under.
Swallowing sand, left with nothing to say, my voice drowned out in the thunder.
But I won't cry, and I won't start to crumble, whenever they try to shut me or cut me down.
I won't be silenced.
You can't keep me quiet.
Won't tremble when you try it.
All I know is I won't go speechless.one of only 2 women among euden's many siblings shared with mayura, and easily the most clever. mayura takes more than a few cues from her in dealing with politics and nobles, and the two are always happy to sit down with each other for a cup of tea.
hmm... maybe mayura should try to get her hands on some fodlanian teas to share with her...?Valyx ( ) -
we notch our bows and wait for the 'morrow.
cold is the night and nary a tear
for on the morn', we head into shadow
there is no room for our fearalberia's 4th scion, and probably the one mayura knows the least personally out of the ones she's on good terms with.
she's heard of his great strength and valor, however, and admires and respects his dedication to his men. not many generals would be so truly loyal.
she also wonders on what battle tactics he must think up, and wants to ask for some answers on that should she get the chance.Emile ( @ProudDragonHeir / @pridespinnacle ) -
In her waters, deep and true,
Lie the answers, and a path for you.
Dive down deep into her sound.
But not too far, or you'll be drowned...the 6th scion of alberia and the sibling next youngest to euden and zethia. despite his pride, mayura senses in him a genuine desire to change and help his people. she's definitely rooting for him and is very proud of the growth he's made, and she's always willing to offer what advice he's willing to ask for, though she suspects his pride might keep him from that for a bit (especially when he thinks she's the younger one... she'll let him live in that world for a bit longer. he'll find out eventually!)
she expects the biggest part of his growth will be taking on a new pactdragon, and knowing he'll only do it when he feels ready, she's curious to see how and when he'll get there.Phares ( @ScionForScience ) -
[ fuck this guy ]Zodiark ( @CurseEmbrace ) -
Rise from the ashes, pure flesh and blood.
Free yourself of hatred, swallow it up and call it done
We are connected, we'll never be apart!
Reach out to one another, go heart to heart!
Embrace the bright, white light...!Alberia's greatwyrm of the element of shadow, and the pactdragon euden and mayura share a pact with. euden is the main pactholder, sharing the pact with mayura. because of zodiark's prior pact with euden's father, king aurelius, and the late king giving his mana to the shadowwyrm in the Joining of Souls on his deathbed, combined with mayura's feelings of looking to euden as a brother, she looks to zodiark as a father figure. through their pact, they can talk telepathically, and mayura is comforted by the feeling of his presence at the back of her mind. she was hesitant in the pact at first, due to her abuse at the hands of loptyr, but his understanding and kindness allowed her to slowly open up.Aurelius/Audric ( @TheAtoningKing ) -
Each night i wish upon a star, that somehow you were not quite so far.
although you think it shouldn't be, you'll live within my memory.
i'll live the way that you would do, that way it's like i still have part of you.
i know it's what you'd want of me:
To share my love with my new family!Euden's father, king aurelius, reborn in a complicated way. when she first learned of who he was, she was a bit nervous and unsure of what he'd think of her, and he'd be bound to make a decision. she was an important person in askr, being the order's summoner and tactician, and wife of alfonse, not to mention her bond with zodiark. these fears were unfounded though, and over time they've formed a familial bond of their own, even occasionally referring to him as a father. (jokingly in public, sincerely when it's just them)
she understands this means he has expectations for her though, and she's determined not to let him down. she understands though that she can go to him when needed, be it for help, or just company.
- Team -
Legendary Julia, Crusader of Light ; Blue TomeAltena, Luminous Rider ; Blue LanceSoleil, Adorable Adorer ; Red swordMamori, Microwaving Idol ; Green Axe ( @MicrowavingIdol )(if any FE:H rp'ers want to plot as Mayura's "official/rp" team, feel free to message me!)
Writer account - @DaylitWriter
Full account list - https://twitter.com/DaylitWriter/lists/rp-accounts